Statewide justice advocacy for people with cognitive impairment
IDRS is delighted and excited to announce that our tender to deliver the Justice Advocacy Service, funded by Department of Justice, has been successful.
Thank you to our many supporters, and particularly to our very special volunteers who have made this possible.
The new Justice Advocacy Service (JAS) will expand, improve and build on the platform established by our Criminal Justice Support Network whose staff and volunteers have supported people with intellectual disability in their interactions with police, courts and lawyers for the past 15 years.
The Department of Justice have invested funding of $10,000,000 over two years to establish and grow the JAS throughout NSW.
Importantly, the new service will be available to people with cognitive impairment arising from intellectual disability, borderline intellectual function, acquired brain injury, alcohol and drug related brain injury, autism spectrum disorder, foetal alcohol spectrum disorder or dementia who are involved in the criminal justice system.
The service will provide support persons and advocate for suspects/defendants, witnesses and victims of crime. In addition to Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong, JAS will have staff and volunteer presence in at least 12 regional centres. Regional Disability Advocacy Service will partner with IDRS to deliver the service from Albury, Wagga Wagga and Griffith.
Watch this space for updates!!