IDRS is a free service for people with intellectual or other cognitive impairment. We can help people living in NSW. You do not need an NDIS package to get help from our services. We work alongside people with cognitive impairment to promote and protect their rights.

Ability Rights Centre (our community legal centre) provides help with legal problems, advocacy, support to appeal decisions of the National Disability Insurance Agency, rights education for people with cognitive impairment, assistance for parents with intellectual disability at risk of losing care of their children and support for people with cognitive impairment to tell their story to the Disability Royal Commission.
ARC Services: Call 02 9265 6350

Justice Advocacy Service (JAS) provides support persons for people with intellectual or other cognitive disability who are involved in the criminal justice system as victims, accused/defendants or witnesses. We can provide support for a person with cognitive impairment at a police station or at court.
JAS Services: Call 1300 665 908